Fire Safety and Emergency Exits in NSW Granny Flats

To ensure your granny flat meets building codes and regulations regarding fire safety and emergency exits in New South Wales, follow these guidelines:

  • Comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) 2017, which includes requirements for fire-resistant materials, smoke detection, and emergency exit access.
  • Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in each room, including the granny flat.
  • Ensure that all doors leading to the granny flat have a minimum width of 900mm and are self-closing and self-latching.
  • Provide at least one escape route from the granny flat to the main dwelling or an accessible street.
  • Ensure that emergency exits are clearly marked and well-maintained.

Additional Requirements

  • Consult with local authorities, such as the NSW Fair Trading or your local council, for specific regulations and requirements.
  • Consider hiring a professional builder or architect familiar with NSW building codes and regulations.

Keyword Tags:
["New South Wales", "Building Codes", "Fire Safety", "Emergency Exits", "Granny Flats"]