Ensuring Accessibility Standards for Granny Flats in NSW

To ensure your granny flat meets accessibility standards, you’ll need to comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) 2017 and the Australian Standard AS 4608-2009.


  • Ensure all doors have a minimum width of 800mm to allow easy passage for people with mobility impairments.
  • Install automatic door closers or hinges that can be operated by someone with limited mobility.
  • Consider installing a door with a manual release mechanism in case the automatic door fails.


  • Ensure all windows have a minimum sill height of 50mm above the finished floor level to allow easy entry and exit for people with mobility impairments.
  • Install windows that open inward to prevent accidental opening or closing by someone with limited mobility.

Additional Requirements:

  • Consult the NSW Building Code Council’s website for detailed information on accessibility standards and building codes in New South Wales.
  • Engage a registered builder or architect who is familiar with accessibility requirements to ensure your granny flat meets all necessary standards.